Here’s to Becoming a “Pot Head”!

For my learning project, I will be expanding my knowledge about how to use an Instant Pot (IP). I received my Instant Pot as a gift a few months ago, but recently I have decided that I want to be able to learn how to use all, or at least most, of the settings on it. As of now, I have noticed that I only ever use the one setting, the most common one, which is called “manual”. Some of the other settings that I want to look into include : Cake, Sauté, Steam, Egg, and more! I am hoping that over the next few months I will be able to cook more than just chicken breast, sausage and roast in my Instant Pot, as that is now what I currently use it for. 

I plan to document my learning mostly through pictures as I will be able to document preparation, cook time, and the final product. Towards the end of the semester I am also hoping to be able to connect with some peers in our class and join our learning projects together…stay tuned to find out how! Before I fully embark on this journey, I need to look into some Instant Pot accessories that will help me create different recipes over the next few months. Some of these accessories include a cake pan and some egg moulds. I have decided that I will purchase a kit of accessories from Amazon over the next few days so that I have them when I need them. 

Although I do not have a detailed plan of exactly what I am going to make each week, below are some options that I have in mind. I will determine weekly what I need to make based on meals that I will be eating, groceries that are in my cupboards, and the amount of time I have to make certain recipes. 

  • Eggs
  • Various cakes
  • Different one pot meals, instead of just using the IP for meat
  • Popcorn
  • Bread
  • Other baking dishes such as apple crisp
  • Pasta dishes
  • Rice
  • Soup
  • Breakfast meals (pancakes, oatmeal, cinnamon buns, french toast, etc.)

I am so excited to try many new recipes (as are the people in my house)! I feel that this learning project will be a great way to figure out new recipes that I love and that I will be able to continue to make these recipes and find new ones after this class is complete.

Here’s to becoming a “Pot Head” as some Instant Pot lovers might say!

10 thoughts on “Here’s to Becoming a “Pot Head”!

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  1. This is a really good project idea We just got an instant pot at Christmas and I admittedly haven’t used it much yet…that said, I can tell you that if you put eggs in there with the minimum amount of water, and steam them for 3 minutes, it makes excellent soft boiled eggs!!

    I will definitely be following periodically throughout the semester to get some ideas haha, no pressure! 😛 (bad puns).


  2. This sounds like a very useful and tasty learning project, especially for your family! You’re also doing yourself a favour by learning an important life skill that you will be able to take with you beyond this class – “killing two birds with one stone” as they say. I like how you laid out specifically what you hope to accomplish in a very clear way. One suggestion I have is perhaps to include a link to an instant pot or even a picture of one. Not everyone will know what instant pots are so it might help them to understand. In my understanding they’re a cross between a slow cooker and a pressure cooker but to be honest, I’ve never actually seen one…I’ve just heard a lot about them. I think it’s great that you’re going to collaborate with classmates on some sort of finale. I’m really excited to see what you come up with. Good luck!


    1. Thanks for that tip Lauren! I actually thought about posting a picture, but totally forgot to go and add one. I never even thought to add a link though..I will be keeping this in mind.


  3. This is a wonderful idea Kiara and will be very useful for you. My mom has an instant pot and it was funny watching her trying to use it the first time she tried to make it. However, she has it figured it out and her recipes are very tasty! My favourite one is her Mac and cheese, if you like cheese you should try it out because it is very cheesy. Good luck cooking, you will do awesome!


  4. After reading your tweet I had to come check out your blog! Cant wait to see what you cook up first! I didnt realize that there was a glass lid Accessorie I think that will be my next purchase! If you want a fun recipe to try check out this one!
    The only thing I would add is if you use a spring form pan wrap it in tin foil or else it will leak alot of the sauce out! Good luck!!


    1. This is great. Thank you for the recipe! I haven’t used the glass lid yet, but I’m hoping it will be beneficial! I think I will try to make popcorn with it first…stay tuned to see how that goes.


  5. This is such an awesome learning project. I am upset I didn’t think of this for my project so I could enjoy delicious foods! Haha. My family uses a Ninja Foodie (VERY similar to the instant pot) and makes excellent food. There is definitely a learning curve to it. I would suggest not trusting every recipe you find online, as I made mac and cheese once in the Ninja Foodie from an online recipe and the measurements were off (it called for 3 tablespoons of salt, which turned out to be WAY too much), resulting in extremely salty mac and cheese that was not enjoyable (haha). Good luck with your cooking, I am excited to see some great meals!


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